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Foreign friends club - MD tank case study



魚缸-12mm (3尺底缸過濾)總水量363.76公升,蛋白機-JNS SK2,主馬達-Eheim +5000,造浪 -
Dear all,

After posted in the original foreign friends club , I am creating a new topic for possible discussion and gathered valued suggestion and solution of my tank issue. Hope this will be a truly documentation for the best result achieve thru everyone help.

Some actual situation :

1) An old tank with about 6 fish
2) couple of LPS
3) some digi (red and green)
4) some dead acros

Equipment :
1) kessil A360WE - 2
2) vortech MP 40wes
3) BK DC 200
4) WP 40
5) GEO 618
6) Eheim compact +5000
7) reef Octopus biopellet reactor
8) 4 T5 tube (no off)
9) peristaltic pump for controlling GEO 618 outlet drip
10) auto water change equipment
11) live rocks
12) using Salt mix (TM and blue bucket Red Sea salt )

As of 8/28/2016 Water parameter :
Kh - 7.30 dkh (Salifert)
Ca - 500 ppm (Salifert)
Mg - 1400 ppm (Salifert)
No3 - 1 ppm (Salifert)
Po4 - 0.08 ppm (Hanna LR checker)

My tank simply can not grow acros , only some digi that survive for quiet a long while now .

I wonder if my tank has some thing that making it an acros grave yard.

My suspect :
A) Copper contamination due to unknown live rock bought at the beginning from local Fish stores.
B) Light intensity and color ( being adjusted for sometimes which I may ignore this issue)
C) flow : mp 40wes combo WP 40
D) return pump ?
E) just simply I am a lousy reefer

My calcium reactor is working fine
My biopellet able to maintain low no3 and po4 (not quite so )
Have try KZ system but after second of zeolites stone no3 and po4 been shooting too high and so I give up and back to biopellet.

Here are some photos ;













Hope some one can help me diagnose and may serve this documentary till I reached same success like all you guys is enjoying now (how I wish my dream tank come true).



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is your light always blue like that in the pic?
It seems you have good coralline algae growing and they are in good red colour, right?
If so, I would suggest two things. a) change Live rock since you doubt, b) feed more....

Do you see PE on your coral?
Actually it is not that blue :
Below my apex setting on my 2 kessil A360

1) color :



2) intensity :



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It seems you have good coralline algae growing and they are in good red colour, right?

If so, I would suggest two things. a) change Live rock since you doubt, b) feed more....

Do you see PE on your coral?

Hi buddy ,

I want to change my live rocks but just don't know if I change to a right one without any contamination of whatsoever ( same as what Elton mentioned last time ), hope there is some good supplier that can be trusted on this part .

I wonder if so , by changing all live rocks , with long years of exposure , will my tank wall or equipment does not also be contaminate as well ?

I have feed more after Eco marine advises in using their biopellet. Fish are more than happy now .

I don't have any PE , since I doubt all acros are dead . Sorry Joseph , that one I got from you also face this kind of fate in my tank .



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Maybe just the pic, but it looks really blue on my screen.

Your setting looks like ranging from 18000K to 25000K, average at around 20000K
It's more blue-er than I feel comfortable.

Just my 2 cents.

By the way, what are the temperature and salinity high and low range for your tank?
Normally this is not a problem, just checking
I took the photos at around 7:00 pm tonight , the lights i set is in fact going to the night mode ( around 38%) , so yes it is much bluer than when during 11:00 am to 17:00 pm.

So you suggestion is to let the light more Whittier ? Ok , may be I will slowly adjust like back to more Whittier gradually . How about my intensity setting ?

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So you suggestion is to let the light more Whittier ? Ok , may be I will slowly adjust like back to more Whittier gradually . How about my intensity setting ?

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Intensity looks OK
Hi buddy ,

I want to change my live rocks but just don't know if I change to a right one without any contamination of whatsoever ( same as what Elton mentioned last time ), hope there is some good supplier that can be trusted on this part .

I wonder if so , by changing all live rocks , with long years of exposure , will my tank wall or equipment does not also be contaminate as well ?

I have feed more after Eco marine advises in using their biopellet. Fish are more than happy now .

I don't have any PE , since I doubt all acros are dead . Sorry Joseph , that one I got from you also face this kind of fate in my tank .



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That is fine. Sorry that I forget what exactly your tank and coral condition 6 months ago, but I kind of remember coral starving since then, and it seems you have not yet out of woods there.
Your salinity and water temperature are rocky stable, right?
That is fine. Sorry that I forget what exactly your tank and coral condition 6 months ago, but I kind of remember coral starving since then, and it seems you have not yet out of woods there.

Your salinity and water temperature are rocky stable, right?

Yes Buddy,

My salinity and temperature are just rock solid , 1.026 and 27 degree centigrade .

I just need to replace some new acros so that I can see them how they response .

For the live rock issue , what you think is more appropriate ?

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Since you are making changes, why don't you also tune down the temp setting to 25 as well.
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